Archive for the mottos category

July 23rd, 2007

mottos vol. 2

Posted in digressions, mottos by Heidi

(rainy day post)

As these hors doth pass away so doth the life of men decay
Memento Mori

Disponit tempus dies
Days Make Years

A day may ruin thee improve this hour

Disce tuos numerare dies
Learn to number thy days

Ecce Horn
Behold, the hour of Destiny!

Thus eternity approacheth

Trifle not your time’s short

Festina Lente
Hasten Slowly

Fugit Dies
The day flies on

Hora Fugit Rapide Lethumq Invadit Inermes
The hours guide swiftly, and the unguarded are easily surprised

Fumus et umbra sumus
Smoke and shadows are we

June 5th, 2007

mottos vol. 1

Posted in digressions, mottos by Heidi

Sundial mottos, often incorporated directly in their design, usually (and unsurprisingly) evoke the fleeting passage of time, light, etc., and sometimes refer to their own malfunction when the sun is absent. Here are examples from The Book of Old Sundials, OYO, TN Foulis, Ltd., 1922 –more in a future post (perhaps on another rainy day), there are tons.

Let others tell of storms and showers
I’ll only count your sunny hours

Abi Non Moratur Hora Ambula In Luce
(Begone, Time Flies, Walk in Light)

United in time parted in time to be reunited when time shall be no more

Behold and begone about your business

Cursum Peregi
(I have finished my course)

Carpe Diem
Ah, take the cash in hand and waive the Rest

Know Thyself

As Shadow So Man Speedeth

Dies Diem Trudit
(A day May ruin thee)

I fly away even whilst thou watchest me

DOTH – WAIST (sic)

Dum Fugit Umbra Quiesco
(The Shadow moves though I be at rest)

As the sune runs so death comes

I set to rise