Archive for March, 2008

March 31st, 2008

Beijing Ancient Observatory

Posted in digressions, observatories, planetaria by Heidi

The Beijing Observatory is a pretelescopic observatory in Beijing, China, and is one of the oldest observatories in the world. The tools used were built in 1442 during the Ming Dynasty. It has a number of bronze instruments, including a celestial globe. More info.

beijing observatory 1

beijing observatory 2

March 28th, 2008

celestial treasure

Posted in digressions, planetaria by Heidi

A starchart globe/planetarium is in the treasure collection at the Forbidden City in Beijing, China.

china planetarium

March 24th, 2008

Singleton, Australia

Posted in Sundials of Note by Heidi

One of the contestants for world’s largest sundial resides in Singleton, Australia–it has various claims for largest in Southern Hemisphere, etc. It was the major feature of the Bicentennial Riverside Park Project. Construction of the Sundial was financed by Lemington Coal Mine, a State Bicentennial Grant and generous contributions from mining, industry and community groups within and around Singleton. More info. And more.

Singleton Sundial, photo by Rachel Jackson

March 7th, 2008

9 am March 7

Posted in eyewitness, Zone03-9 am by Heidi

Shadow stretches over high school (technology?-note to self check this) and onto warehouse building in next block.

9 am March 7

9 am March 7

March 5th, 2008

Louisa, VA

Posted in artists/projects, Sundials of Note by Heidi

A 48-foot tall sundial painted inside a silo in a country club in Louisa, VA.

Louisa, VA