Archive for the solstice category

December 9th, 2014

Lightmotif | Hiroya Miura

Posted in artists/projects, solstice, tour by Heidi

Winter solstice parade in the LIC Sundial

Composer Hiroya Miura has created “Lightmotif”: a musical soul-shaking for the new solar cycle as part of the Make Music Winter Festival. On December 21 in Long Island City brass musicians will march while playing a call-and-answer pattern following the path of the Long Island City Sundial. The musicians will march in a line tracing the shadow of the gnomon in different times of the day, while attentively tuning into the brightness of their surroundings and street sound. Join in as audience or participant (brass musicians welcome)–more information here.

Thanks to Hiroya Miura for this excellent celebration of the Solstice and the LIC Sundial!

June 22nd, 2008

summer solstice 2008, 6:30pm

Posted in eyewitness, solstice, Zone12-6 pm by Heidi

Gnomon from Socrates Sculpture Park at 6:30 pm

sumer solstice