April 28th, 2008

McDonald’s sundial billboard

Posted in digressions by Heidi

Chicago, summer of 2006 :

Designed by ad agency Leo Burnett with the input of an engineer, the billboard features a real sundial whose shadow falls on a different breakfast item each hour until noon, when the shadow of the McDonald’s arches are dead center. The billboard, which went up near the intersection of Clark and Addison on Friday, is the latest in a campaign aimed at urging Chicagoans to turn to McDonald’s for breakfast.


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One comment

  1. Phillip says:

    This sign is without a doubt the stupidest brilliant thing I have ever seen! I’ll bet some idiotic mcd’s exec’s are pissed that their logo is only properly visible at midday.

    May 4th, 2008 at 11:49 pm

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