June 29th, 2007

Modern Wrist & Pocket Sundials

Posted in digressions by Heidi

The following are examples of contemporary portable sundials (Fred Flintstone inspired?)–on the other end of the size spectrum from the Long Island City Sundial:





June 27th, 2007

Environmental Simulation Center

Posted in digressions, NYC by Heidi

A shadow-studies (among other things) non-profit, the Environmental Simulation Center is featured in the July 2 edition of The New Yorker–a great Talk of the Town article considering the effect of shadows from buildings in urban planning.

June 25th, 2007

5:15 pm 25 June

Posted in eyewitness, Zone11-5 pm by Heidi

Shadow lands on roof of the Sculpture Center and neighboring building on Purves Street at 5:15 pm.

Sculpture Center roof

June 25th, 2007

Gnomon distance views

Posted in LIC Gnomon, NYC by Heidi

Views of LIC Sundial gnomon from 53rd street at 5th Ave in Manhattan, looking East, and the Brooklyn Bridge, looking North.

Gnomon from 53rd St x 5th Ave in Manhattan

Gnomon from Brooklyn Bridge

June 25th, 2007

LIC Sundial exhibit opening, MeatSpace Gallery

Posted in digressions, EVENTS by Heidi

Reception for exhibition of LIC Sundial project drawings at the MeatSpace Gallery on July 21, the Summer Solstice–exhibition open through July 20 by appointment, phone 718 433-4990 or email hn (at) heidineilson (dot) com. Introductory Sundial Walking Tour scheduled for Sunday, July 15th at 2pm, starting at the gallery.

opening reception MeatSpace Gallery 2

opening reception MeatSpace Gallery

June 6th, 2007

Far from the east at 7am

Posted in eyewitness, Zone01-7 am by Heidi

From the east at 7 am

June 5th, 2007

mottos vol. 1

Posted in digressions, mottos by Heidi

Sundial mottos, often incorporated directly in their design, usually (and unsurprisingly) evoke the fleeting passage of time, light, etc., and sometimes refer to their own malfunction when the sun is absent. Here are examples from The Book of Old Sundials, OYO, TN Foulis, Ltd., 1922 –more in a future post (perhaps on another rainy day), there are tons.

Let others tell of storms and showers
I’ll only count your sunny hours

Abi Non Moratur Hora Ambula In Luce
(Begone, Time Flies, Walk in Light)

United in time parted in time to be reunited when time shall be no more

Behold and begone about your business

Cursum Peregi
(I have finished my course)

Carpe Diem
Ah, take the cash in hand and waive the Rest

Know Thyself

As Shadow So Man Speedeth

Dies Diem Trudit
(A day May ruin thee)

I fly away even whilst thou watchest me

DOTH – WAIST (sic)

Dum Fugit Umbra Quiesco
(The Shadow moves though I be at rest)

As the sune runs so death comes

I set to rise

May 29th, 2007

9:10 am May 29

Posted in eyewitness, Zone03-9 am by Heidi

The middle of 45th Avenue between 21st and 23rd streets marks 9:10 am May 29th.


May 21st, 2007

Sundial ghost at Columbia U.

Posted in NYC, Sundials of Note by Heidi

Columbia University had a spherical sundial in the center of campus. It was removed in 1946 after some cracks made its structural integrity questionable. Thought to have been destroyed after removal, recently the sphere has inexplicably resurfaced in Michigan. Here are images of the this sundial as depicted in a vintage postcard, and the same spot today.

Columbia’s sundial - vintage postcard

Columbia’s sundial - today

More info:
Columbia sundial history
116th was Gnomon’s Land

May 6th, 2007

Sundial within a sundial revisited

Posted in digressions, eyewitness, Zone08-2 pm by Heidi

Sundial within sundial, 2pm May 6

2:00 on May 6th is marked by a small sundial – which will remain a decent 2 pm landmark for the first week or so of May. Note the about 5-foot shift in shadow location in 4 days – see previous post at the same spot.

The small sundial is adorned by plaques in the cardinal directions:
North: “Brian Watkins Athlete-Hero”
East: “Vincent C. McNeill Surveyor”
South: “Maria Hernandez Housewife-Heroine”
West: “Joseph E. McGrath Educator”
One wonders who these people are and why they were chosen to be honored in such a manner.